An Eternal Story!

An Eternal Story!
By: Max Smith
Date: May, 1997

Oh Happy Day! My Fantasy has Finally come true after 12 Months - that's just So Good. Really, I Am Blessed. After all those Decisions, I decided that It's Never Too Late: so I stopped making all those Crazy Promises (because that Ain't No How I'm Steppin') to my one and only Sweet Funky Thing and told her that I'll Stay and always I'll Be There.

From that moment on, we stopped asking "Don't You Love Me" and began to Save Our Love. We said to each other, "I Wanna Be The Only One", she said "I'm Telling You Now that It's Up To You" so I told her that I'd give her All My Love, that I'm Never Gonna Give You Up and that This Love Is For Real. And as for my other girl... "Who Are You?". I wonder How Many Tears it will take her to get over it. Hopefully Someday she will and not Think About Me.

We (my real love and I) thought It Will Never End. We shared all our Secrets. She told me "Your Smile really is a Good Thing to have. Let's Stay Together, I can feel (Something Inside) So Strong. Loving You is just... the best.... I Feel The Earth Move... and your Black Cat is really cute. " Now I really do believe in Amazing Grace, and now I really am under the Power Of A Woman. I'm not sure about Grace Under Pressure though. But it's amazing what happens When You Wish Upon A Star. I was so busy daydreaming I almost didn't hear her say "Hey Baby! Hurry Up! Don't Make Me Wait! Really, Why Am I Waiting?"

Well the next day I got a call from the other girl who I dumped. I couldn't bear her saying "I'm Still Crying... What Do You Mean When You Say that you've left me... I'm Still In Love."; but I said "I'll Take A Pass On Love" when she offered me a date by saying "If You Need Me Tonight, meet me at 8 at the A Whole New World cafe...". I could hear Redemption Song playing the background. In response she said "This Life's Not For Me" and hung up, even before I could say "Oh Baby I...... Don't Say Goodbye..."

Oh well. Despite that phone call, I still think I'm really lucky to have the love of my life next to me in all I do. I remember that song, His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Hmm.