Dear fans, dear Easther, Vernie, Kéllé and Louise, Too many of the fan sites from the 90s are no longer around, and in truth, I should never have allowed this one to lapse either. Yet in recent years, it's become more apparent just how much Eternal's music means to me; timeless classics that I can always come back to and enjoy. From all the buzz online lately, clearly I'm not the only one. So, I thought, why not bring back my original site for everyone to enjoy? It's 18 years since I made the original Always & Forever site, and around 16 years since this Power Of A Woman remake, so please don't expect a modern website! ;) I'll admit I'm not the best at keeping up with all the latest news and gossip, so I'll leave that in the capable hands of The Eternal Fansite. However, I'll try to keep everything factually up-to-date and correct on here, so please tell me if anything's wrong. Thanks to all the people who contributed in various ways over the years; I've made some great friends here. Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Easther, Vernie, Kéllé and Louise for all you've given us; it's not just entertainment, you've touched people's hearts and souls. - best wishes, Lars Janssen (@fazy)
#Eternal20 This section has been completely updated because most of the original sites are no longer online. The following selection of sites are well worth a visit if you're crazy about Eternal. If you have made an Eternal site, or know of one which you'd like to recommend, please let me know by sending an e-mail to .