Top Of The Pops magazine, November 1995
Backstage At Top Of The Pops
Making a welcome return to TOTP, a slimmed-down Eternal found themselves in a dilemma over what clothes to wear for their debut performance of Power of a Woman. It was a toss-up between Vivienne Westwood bodices and Versace red rubber shirts. The bodices won!
"We opted for the short tops because Power of a Woman is such a strong, forceful song and we have to show we mean it," explained an excited Kéllé. These costumes say just that!"
Viv Westwood, Versace... and Johnny Richmond trews, eh girls? All very designer - does this mean that you Eternal girls are shopping at Harrods these days?
"No, hahaha..." chuckles Easther. "Not at all!"
"It's not like we're just interested in designer names," continues Vernie. "We'll wear anything that looks good and feels good."
What, anything? "Yeah, whether it's from Versace, a high street store, or even Oxfam, we'll wear it as long as it's us!"
So girls, do you always agree about the clothes you're going to wear on tour or on the telly?
"Oh no, not at all!" laughs Kéllé. "Believe it or not, we all have very different personal styles. Take tonight for example. Vernie really wants to wear a jacket over her top, because she's a bit shy about showing too much flesh. Easther's top is more... tailored, whereas my outfit is more... well, womanly I suppose!"
And with that, they all burst into laughter and we leave them to argue it out!