Top Of The Pops magazine, July 1996
Benji Franklin Pops The Questions
What would you really like to know about your favourite pop person? This month, it's the turn of Benji from Lincolnshire to put Eternal's Easther in the hot seat.
If you weren't in Eternal, would you buy their records?
Absolutely. I don't listen to our music as much as other people's
records because I know it so well. But it's great to rediscover
Always And Forever every so often.
Do you think you'll succeed in America?
Power of a Woman hasn't been released over there yet and won't be
until we're ready to promote it. We've organised a tour for the autumn
so, yes, obviously we hope to do well when we go over.
If Louise wanted to rejoin the group, would you welcome her back?
We'd love to but I don't think that's what she'd want. It took us a
long time to adjust to working as a three-piece but now I don't think
we could be a four-piece again. It's great to see her doing so well -
I rushed back from a shopping trip to catch her on Top Of The Pops
the other week. Didn't she look fantastic!
How do you rate alongside other famous girls groups?
Eternal are on the same level as many other girl groups. As for all-time
groups, well, we have a very long way to go before we could match
The Supremes!
Do you remember the handsome young man in the second row at Nottingham
on February 22?
I have to be honest here, I can't quite remember you Benji but give me
a wave when you next come and see us perform.
If you have five questions for your fave star, send them to
Pops The Questions,
TOTP Magazine,
80 Wood Lane,
London W12 0TT.